Marco Bettoni - WeKnow

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Marco Bettoni 27.8.1988

see also 1980-1986, 1994-2004, 2005-2016, 2017-2020


March 1987

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"Binary Operations of Human Information Processing", 1st European Congress of the American Society for Cybernetics, University of St.Gallen (HSG).


September 1987

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"Micro­operations of the mind system". 7th Intern. Congress of Cybernetics and Systems,  Imperial College, London,
Published in: Proc. 7th Int. Cong. of Cybernetics and Systems, Vol.2, P. 767 - 778, Thales Publ., Lyntham St.Annes, England.


Mai 1988

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"Wissensverarbeitung durch binäre Operationen", Seminar, Universität Siegen, Institut von Prof. Siegfried J. Schmidt.


August 1988

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"Principles of a 'Semantic Logic' and their Implications for Knowledge Representation." 4th Int. Conf. on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Section 'Knowledge Representation', Kongresshaus Baden-Baden.

September 1989

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"Knowledge Acquisition and Modelling with Kant's Object Model", Patti (Messina) II. Workshop of the journal Methodologia.


October 1989

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"Come funziona la mente: Il modello attenzionale die Silvio Ceccato", Relazione per la Società Dante Alighieri, Baden.

März 1990

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Vortrag: "Kants Architektur des kognitiven Systems aus kybernetischer Sicht", 7. Intern. Kant­Kongress, Universität Mainz, Mainz. Sektion: Künstliche Intelligenz, 29.03.1990

Paper: "Cybernetics Applied to Kant's Architecture of Mind" In: G. Funke (Hrsg.) Akten des 7. Internationalen Kant-Kongress, Band II.2, 723-741, Bouvier Verlag, Bonn, 1991 (download pdf)

June 1990

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"A Computer Language for Knowledge Representation based on Patterns of Mental Quanta". 8th Intern. Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, Section 'Mechanisms of Cognition', Hunter College, New York

September 1991

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"Mit Kant fortschreiten in der Künstlichen Intelligenz (Teil 1)". Kant Yearbook 1991 (Kantovski sbornik), Vol.16, 75-84 (in russian), Kaliningrad (Königsberg)  (pdf Deutsch) (pdf Russisch)

"Mit Kant fortschreiten in der Künstlichen Intelligenz (2)", Internat. Congress on Engineering Design, ICED 91, Section 'Wissensbasierte Systeme', ETH Zürich. V. Hubka (Hrsg.) Proc. Internat. Congress on Engineering Design, ICED 91, 1249-1254, Heurista Verlag, Zürich. (pdf Deutsch)

October 1991

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"Mind/Brain Science, Artificial Intelligence and the Attentional Quantum Hypothesis." Intern. Symposium "Forum 91", Spazio Ansaldo, Milano.

Bettoni, M. (1991) Scienza della mente e del cervello, intelligenza artificiale e l'ipotesi del "quantum attenzionale". In: M. Giusti & G. Sassi (eds.) Milanopoesia. IX Festival internazionale di poesia, musica, video, performance, danza e teatro. Spazio Ansaldo, Milano, 30.9-6.10.1991. Milano: Cooperativa Nuova Intrapresa. p. 103-105. (download pdf)

October 1992

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"Ein hierarchisches Funktionsmodell der Wissensverarbeitung." Workshop am Kongress 'Die Wirklichkeit des Konstruktivismus', Heidelberger Institut für Systemische Forschung, Stadthalle Heidelberg.


October 1992

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Explanations and Reality, Humberto R. Maturana (Univ. de Chile) plenary talk at the congress 'Die Wirklichkeit des Konstruktivismus', Heidelberger Institut für Systemische Forschung, Stadthalle Heidelberg.

Motto: 'If you own the truth, you cannot reflect upon it" (Humberto Maturana, 1992)


September 1993

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"Kant and the Software Crisis: Suggestions for the construction of human-oriented software systems" VI. Kant-Congress of the University of Königsberg, Section 'Logische Kantstudien II', 21-24 September, Svetlogorsk (Königsberg).



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  © Marco Bettoni - 28.02.2019