Marco Bettoni - WeKnow

Ereignisse 2005-2016  / Events 2005-2016 / Eventi 2005-2016

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Marco Bettoni - Basel - 3.04.2005   Marco Bettoni 09-2015

see also: 1994-2004 2017-2020



flag UK
IFeL Blog

Bettoni, M. (2016) Online Interaction Continuum. IFeL Blog 16.12.2016

flag UK
ECKM  2016

Kharabsheh R., Bittel, N., Elnsour W., Bettoni, M. & Bernhard, W. (2016). A Comprehensive Model of Knowledge Sharing. In S. Moffett & B. Galbraith (eds.), Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Knowledge Management ECKM 2016, Ulster University, Northern Ireland UK, 1-2 September 2016, pp. 455-461.(pdf).

flag UK   flag D
FH-Joanneum - ZML

Bettoni, M., & Obeng, E. (2016). 3D E-Learning for Collaboration. In J. Pauschenwein & J. Weinzödl (eds.), Tagungsband 15. E-Learning Tag der FH JOANNEUM 2016. E-Learning: Warum nicht? 15 September 2016, ZML – Innovative Lernszenarien (FH JOANNEUM), pp. 64-70. (pdf). Vortrag und Folien zum Download.


flag D

Mirata, V. & Bettoni, M. (2016) Hier und Jetzt: Ein Blick auf den Arbeitsalltag mit der Experience-Sampling-Methode vermittelt neue Ansätze bei der Planung eines zukunftsfähigen  Büroraumkonzepts. Organisator, 7-8/2016, S.56-57. (pdf)

flag D
Organisator Blog - HRM

Bernhard, W., Bettoni, M. & Bittel, N. (2016) Die SFM-Methode. Organisator Blog 10.08.2016


flag UK
IFeL Blog

Bettoni, M. (2016) Basic Knowledge Sharing Model. IFeL Blog 12.08.2016


flag UK    flag D

Bettoni M., Bernhard W., Bittel N. & Mirata V. (2016), Stay far, learn close. Marktplatzstand an der SeLC, Swiss eLearning Conference 2016,  „Social Learning – Lernen gemeinsam statt einsam“, 12.-13.4.2016,  Hotel Holiday Inn, Messe Zürich.


flag UK
IGI Global

Bettoni, M.,  Bittel, N., Bernhard W. & Mirata, V. (2016) eSF - An E-Collaboration System for Knowledge Workers. In: A. Kok & H. Lee (eds.) Cultural, Behavioral, and Social Considerations in Electronic Collaboration. Hershey (USA), IGI Global, Chapter 8, 157-172. (Draft pdf)


Oct. 6

flag UK
KM Forum 20
Bettoni, M. (2015) Sharing Tacit Knowledge in Meetings: The OSG Approach. Presentation, Università di Milano Bicocca, 28.10.2015 (paper.pdf)
Sept. 07

MobiCom 2015 - 21st Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
Vanini, S., Gallucci, D., Garg, K., Giordano, S., Mirata, V. & Bettoni, M. (2015)  Modeling Social Interactions in Real Work Environments. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-Scale Measurement (HotPlanet '15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 31-36 (paper pdf, 609 KB)

Sept. 05

16th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2015)

Bittel, N., Bernhard, W., Bettoni, M. & Mirata, V. (2015) Open Science Gallery – Successful Group Interactions Across Transdisciplinary Boundaries. Paper and Poster presented at the 16th European Conference on Knowledge Management - ECKM 2015, The University of Udine, Italy, 3-4 September 2015 (paper pdf, 723 KB, poster.pdf, 972 KB)


June 25

flag UK

Bernhard, W., Bittel, N., Bettoni M. & Mirata, V. (2015) Open Science Gallery, a self-organising team building approach for transdisciplinary group interactions. 

Juni 05

flag D
Organisator - Das Magazin für KMU
Bernhard, W., Bettoni, M., Mirata. V. & Bittel, N. (2015) Vom Bedürfnis zur Lösung: wie mit Hilfe der SFM-Methode das intelligente Büro entsteht.
Organisator / Fit im Job, Nr. 06, S. 23-24 (Artikel pdf, 292 KB)

Mai 28

flag UK
eduhub - The  Swiss E-Learning Community - Webinar 28.5.2015
Mirata, V. & Bettoni, M. (2015) Vital and viable community of Practice. Webinar (Slides.pdf, 14.5 MB)


Oct. 6

flag UK
KM Forum 19
Bettoni, M. (2014) Collaborative Idea Cultivation: The eCiC Approach and System. Presentation, Milano, 6.10.2014 (paper.pdf, 192 KB)

Sept. 05

15th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2014)

Bittel, N. & Bettoni, M. (2014) From Complex Maths to Simple Stories: A Knowledge Management Approach for Education. In: C. Vivas & P. Sequeira, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Portugal, 4-5 September 2014, 1335-1339. (paper pdf, 723 KB, poster.pdf, 972 KB)


June 25

flag UK
Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W. & Bittel, N. (2014) Collaborative Creativity with eCiC.
  • Paper pdf  Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 174, 12 February 2015, Pages 3925-3932, ISSN 1877-0428,
April 30

flag D
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der FFHS
Neue Arbeitswelten - Forschungsfeld der Stabsstelle Forschung
(Folien pdf, 507 KB)



Sept. 13

14th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2013)

Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W, & Bittel, N. (2013) Collaborative Solutions Quick&Clean: The SFM Method.Presentation at the 14th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2013), Kaunas University of Technology - Kaunas, Lithuania, 5-6September 2013. (paper pdf, 123 KB)



Juni 13


Rektorenkonferenz der Fachhochschulen der Schweiz (KFH)

Bettoni, M. (2013) Profil der Forschung an FH - Grundsatzposition derRektorenkonferenz der Fachhochschulen der Schweiz (KFH, 05/2013). Presentation an der Direktionssitzung FFHS, Brig, 19.06.2013. (Folien pdf,  566 KB)

Juni 13

Information Philosophie (Zeitschrift)

Bettoni, M. (in press) Antworten auf 10 Fragen zum Thema  "WarumKonstruktivismus?", Zeitschrift "Information Philosophie" (eingereicht pdf, 40 KB)

Mai 13

SAMoo community at eduhub

M. Bettoni (2013) Team collaboration with Moodle. Presentation at the8th SAMoo Meeting, Swiss Academic Moodle Community, eduhub (meeting info pdf,  slides pdf, 948 KB)

March 13

Ernst von Glasersfeld Archive 2013

Bettoni, M. (2013) EvG personal note. Presented at the Inauguration of theErnst-von-Glasersfeld Archive, 22.3.2013, University of Innsbruck – Claudiana.
(personal note pdf, 48 KB).

March 13

eduhub - SIG eCollaboration

Bettoni, M. (2013) eCollaboration Trends 2013. Online Presentation atthe 10th Meeting SIG eCollaboration, 14. March 2013  (slides pdf, 724 KB)

 Feb. 13

EFHK - Eidgenössische Fachhochschulkommission

Bettoni, M. (2013) Forschung an FH - Studie 2012 z.H.Eidgenössische Fachhochschulkommission (EFHK). Presentation an der Direktionssitzung FFHS, Brig, 27.02.2013 (Folien pdf, 348 KB)

 Jan. 13


LEARNTEC Kongress 2013


Bittel, N. & Bettoni, M. (2013) In Linien zu CSCW: Eine 2D-Lernumgebung.LEARNTEC 2013, Messe Karlsruhe, 30.1.2013. (Folien & Text pdf, 385 KB, Programm Tag 2 pdf,  61 KB)

Jan 13



DAILE 13 - Workshop on Data Analysis and Interpretation for Learning Environments 


Bettoni, M. & Mazza, R. (2013) Didactical Interpretation of Log Data: The MOCLogModel. Presentation at the 4th STELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous (ARV) in Villard-de-Lans, 29.1.2013 - see also and
Bettoni, M., Sadiki, J., Mazza, R. & Mazzola, L. (in press)Didactical Interpretation of Log Data: The MOCLog Model.In: Mödritscher, F. & ..... (eds.) CEUR Workshop Proceedings( of the 4th STELLAR Alpine Rendez-Vous (ARV) January 28 – February 1, 2013 (paper pdf, 289 KB)



Dec. 12

eduhub webinars 2012

Bettoni, M. & Mazza, R. (2012)  MOCLOg - Monitoring Online Courses with Logfiles(announcement pdf, 46 KB, slides pdf, 720 KB)



Oct. 12

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Bettoni, M. (2012) User-Centred Knowledge Management: A Constructivist and Socialized View. Public lecture at the Immanuel Kant Baltic FederalUniversity, main building (Nevskogo, 14, Kaliningrad, Russia), 18/10/2012, 11:00 am. (announcement pdf, abstract txt, slides pdf, 2.7 MB)
Bettoni, M. (2012) Kant's Architecture of Mind. Lecture at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, faculty of philosophy (Chernyshevskogo,56, Kaliningrad, Russia).
19/10/2012, 11:40 am. (announcement pdf, abstract txt, slides pdf 2.2 MB)

Oct. 12

KM Forum 17

Bittel, N. & Bettoni, M. (2012) The E-Collaboration Attitude Model. Presentation at KM Forum 17, Milano, Italy, 11-12th October 2012.Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano.

Bittel, N. & Bettoni, M. (2012) The E-Collaboration Attitude Model.Kappaemme 22, 4/2012, 20-24. (paper pdf, 2.8 MB)

Oct. 12

InSuEdu 2012

Nicole Bittel & Marco Bettoni: Learning CSCW through Fairytales: a Practical Model.Presentation at InSuEdu 2012, 1st International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability in Education, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1 October 2012,Co-located with SEFM 2012, http://insuedu.iist.unu.ed

Bittel, M. & Bettoni, M. (in press): Learning CSCW through Fairytales: a Practical Model. In: A. Cercone & D. Persico (inpress) Proceedings of InSuEdu 2012, 1st International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability in Education, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1October 2012. Berlin: Springer. (paper pdf, 169 KB)

 Sept. 12

MOODLE Research Conference 2012


Bettoni, M., & Mazzola, L. (2012) MOCLog – Monitoring Online Courses with logdata. Presentation at the  1st Moodle Research Conference, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Sept. 15, 2012.

Mazza, R. Bettoni, M.,  Faré, M. & Mazzola, L. (2012) MOCLog – Monitoring Online Courses with log data. In: S. Retalis& M. Dougiamas (eds.) Proc. of the  1st Moodle Research Conference, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Sept. 14-15, 2012, pp. 132-139,Download at

Juni 12



iTunesU - Aktuelles von der Stabsstelle Forschung


Bettoni, M. (2012) "Die Albatross-Methode" - Ein erfolgreiches Konzept für die Führung virtuellerTeamarbeit. Nach Paul MacCready, Erfinder des Gossamer Albatross. (script pdf,  120 KB / podcast iTunesU, 4 min. )




September 11


Bettoni, M. (2011) Success Factors for Community Learning: A Constructivist Perspective.In:
Barolomé, A. et al. (eds.): Self-regulated Learning in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments:
Problems and Promises. Aachen Shaker Verlag, 105-112. (paper pdf, 337 KB)

June 11

ICEL 2011

Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W., Eggs, C. & Schiller, G. (2011) ParticipativeFaculty Development with
an Online Course in e-Collaboration. In: Proceedings of the 6th Intern. Conference on e-Learning,
University of British Columbia Okanagan, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada 27-28 June 2011, pp.
493-496 (paper pdf, 153 KB)

 March 11

Constructivist Foundations


Bettoni, M. (2011) Constructing a Beginning in 1985. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 184-189.
Available at:  (paper pdf,  302 KB)

Bettoni, M. (2011) Preface to "Ernst von Glasersfeld and the Italian Operational School. Didactic
Implications of Operational Awareness. by Pino Parini. Constructivist Foundations 6(2): 140-141.
Available at: (paper pdf, 380 KB)

Jan. 11


IGI Global


Bergamin, P., Bettoni, M., Ziska, S. & Eggs, C. (2011) "Reference Course Model: Supporting
Self-regulated Learning by Cultivating a University-Wide Media Culture". In G. Dettori & D. Persico
(eds.) Fostering Self-regulated learning through ICTs. IGI Global, Ch. 20, pp. 334-351 (paper pdf, 981 KB)




Dez. 10 


E-Dossier PH Zürich

Bernhard, W., Bettoni, M., Eggs, C. & Schiller G. (2010)Emotionen durch partizipatives ELearning
erzeugen. Andrea Helbach (Hrsg.) E-Dossier #07 | 2010. (paper pdf, 501 KB)

November 10



Bettoni, M. "Online-Communities: On the edge of a New Frontier?", Webinar, 17November 2010, IFeL Ausbildung & Wissenstransfer,; Plattform: (slides pdf, 730 KB)


October 10


KM Forum 15


Bettoni, M. (2010) "User-centredKnowledge Management: What, Why and How". In: Sorge, C. (ed)
Proc. of 15th KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT FORUM (Milano, 11 - 15 Ottobre2010), CD-ROM,, (paper pdf, 43 KB)


September 10

ECKM 2010

Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W., Eggs, C. & Schiller G. (2010) Idea Management by Role Based
Networked Learning. In: E. Tomé, Proc. 11th EuropeanConference on Knowledge Management,
Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão,Portugal, 2-3 September 2010, Vol. 2, pp 107-116.
Reading: Academic Publishing Ltd. (paper pdf, 555 KB)

Juli  10


Constructivist Foundations


Bettoni, M. & Eggs, C. (2010). "User-centred Knowledge Management: A Constructivist and
Socialized View". Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 5, number 3,130-143. (paper pdf, 745 KB)

Jan. 10


IGI Global


Bettoni, M. (2010) Negotiations of Meaningwith MOODLE: Concept, Implementation & Experiences. In: Ertl, B.(ed.) E-Collaborative Knowledge Construction: Learning from Computer-Supported and Virtual Environments. IGI Global, pp. (paper pdf, 363 KB)





Nov. 09 - 2



Forschungsarbeiten in eLearning und Medienpsychologie (KWM), Prof. Dr. R. Groner,Universität Bern, F007, Unitobler, Lerchenweg 36, Bern. In Zusammenarbeit mit IFeL (Kursprogramm 2008-2009)

Bettoni, M. (2009) Online Communities. A Radical Constructivist Approach.Vortrag & Diskussion. (slides pdf,  1MB)


Nov. 09 - 1


4th International Heinz von Foerster Congress, Universität Wien


Bettoni, M., Eggs, C. (2009)Community Learning in a Network of Researchers: An Experiment in Socialized Knowledge Management. Presentation at the 4th InternationalHeinz von Foerster Congress, Universität Wien, Hauptgebäude, November 12-14, 2009.


September 09


news – Newsletter der Fernfachhochschule Schweiz

M. Bettoni, W, Bernhard & C. Eggs (2009) Forschung an der FFHS -  DieStabsstelle Forschung: Kompetenzzentrum für Wissensmanagement, FFHS-News 3/2009, S. 6-8 ( S. 6 pdf, 417 KB; S.7-8 pdf, 534 KB)

Juli  09


h.e.p. verlag ag


Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W. & Schiller, G. (2009). Community-orientierte Strategien zurIntegration von Lehre und Forschung. In: Bergamin, P. & Pfander, G., Offene Bildungsinhalte (OER), Teilen von Wissen oderGratisbildungskultur?. Bern: h.e.p. Verlag, S. 125-146. (paper pdf,  104 KB)


Juni 09


Fernfachhochschule Schweiz

M. Bettoni (2009) Informations- & Wissensmanagement (Studiengang  Betriebsökonomie),Modul von 20 Lektionen (ECTS-Credits: 5): 5. Künftige Entwicklungen


April 09 - 2


news – Newsletter der Fernfachhochschule Schweiz

M. Bettoni, W, Bernhard & F. Schneeberger (2009) Neue Kooperationsplattform erleichtert Zusammenarbeit. FFHS-News2/2009, S. 15 (pdf, 41 KB) 

April 09 - 2


Fernfachhochschule Schweiz

M. Bettoni (2009) Informations- & Wissensmanagement (Studiengang  Betriebsökonomie),Modul von 20 Lektionen (ECTS-Credits: 5): 3. Wissensvernetzung / Wissenskultur;  4. Aktuelle Entwicklungen(Web 2.0 etc.). 


April 09 - 1


European Commission – IST FP6 – Technology-enhanced Learning 

PALETTE - Pedagogically sustained Adaptive Learning Through the exploitation of Tacit and Explicit knowledge.

M. Bettoni - Member of the review panel - Final Review Meeting, EPFL Lausanne,  2-3 April 2009

März 09 - 3



KappaMme - Periodico sulla gestione e comunicazione della conoscenza


Bettoni, M. (2009) Weak ties cooperation with Web 2.0. KAPPAEMME, 1-09, 26-31 (pdf, 667 KB)

 März 09 - 2


WM2009 - 5. Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement - Erfahrungen und Visionen - Solothurn, Schweiz, 25.-27. März 2009


M. Bettoni Mitglied im Programm-Kommittee des Workshops "Persönliches Wissensmanagement"


März 09 - 1


Fernfachhochschule Schweiz

M. Bettoni (2009) Informations- & Wissensmanagement (Studiengang  Betriebsökonomie),Modul von 20 Lektionen (ECTS-Credits: 5): 1. Einführung in die Grundlagen. 2. Wissensmanagement in derPraxis.

Jan. 09 - 2


Studientage PHBern 2009

Bettoni, M. (2009). Web 2.0 in der Forschung mit der Kooperationsplattform 'CoRe Square'. Beitrag im Workshop "E-Practice ander Hochschule in Lehre und Forschung" am 22.1.2009. Studientage PHBern 2009, Lernen und Lehren mit Neuen Medien - Hilfe oder Hindernis?, Bern,21.-22. Januar 2009 (Folien pdf, 2.34 MB)


Jan. 09 - 1


Wissenschaftsmanagement online


Bettoni, M. (2009) Research 2.0 at FFHS: A Knowledge Network Approach. Präsentation online,  Wissenschaftsmanagement online, Zentrum für Wissenschaftsmanagement e.V. (ZWM), Speyer.



Nov. 08


13. Forum Knowledge Management - Corso di formazione

Bettoni, M. "Weak Ties Cooperation with Web 2.0", 13th KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENTFORUM, 27. Novembre 2008, Milano, Italia


Nov. 08


JEKPOT - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY - La prima scuola italiana sulknowledge management con certificazione delle competenze.


Bettoni, M. & Schiller, G. (2008) LECOMUNITA' DI PRATICA - COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE. Gestire la conoscenza con le Comunità di pratica - Managing knowledge byCommunities of practice. 2° Knowledge Management University, Milano, 26 novembre 2008.


N Nov. 08

SFEM 2008 - Swiss Forum for Educational Media

Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W. & Schiller, G. (2008). Offene Zusammenarbeit in Wissensnetzwerken – Lehren aus derNatur. Workshop an der Tagung SFEM 2008, Wissensnetzwerke – OER – Qualität, Bern, 18./19. November. SSAB,

 Nov 08


Constructivist Foundations - An interdisciplinary journal

Bettoni M. (2008) Why and How to Avoid Representation. Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 4, number 1, November 2008, 15-16..

Nov. 08




Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W. (2008). CommunityLernen in CoRe. Workshop. Zug,  6. und 7. November 2008,Kaufmännisches Bildungszentrum KBZ.


Okt. 09

news – Newsletter der Fernfachhochschule Schweiz

Weleda Interview (D) "Die CoP wurde speziell für unsere Zwecke designt" mit JürgenBlaha. (pdf)

Weleda Interview (E) "This CoP was specially designed for our purposes" with Jürgen Blaha (pdf)

Sept. 08

Bettoni, M. & Bernhard, W. (2008) E via,verso il Cervino. Presentazione Progetto Zermatt. Briga, 19.9.2008. Visita del Consiglio della SUPSI (Abstract).


Sept. 08


ECKM 2008 - The 9th European Conference on Knowledge Management

Bettoni, M., Schiller, G. & Bernhard, W. (2008). Weak Ties Cooperation in the CoRe Knowledge Network. Paper at the 9th EuropeanConference on Knowledge Management Southampton Solent University, Southampton, UK, 4-5 September 2008

June 08


WEKA Verlag - Wissensmanagement und HRM

Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W. & Schiller, G. (2008).Wissensmanagement mit Knowledge Communities. Workshop amSeminartag "Wissensmanagement und HRM", Zürich, 19. Juni. Veranstalter: WEKA Verlag,

 March 08


Constructivist Foundations - An interdisciplinary journal

Bettoni M. (2008) The Illusion of Society. Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 3, number 2, March 2008.

Feb. 08 - 2


Pabst Science Publishers

Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W. & Brunner, B. (2008). CoRe - Ein Wissensnetzwerk zur Integration von Lehre und Forschung. In: Clases, C.& Schulze, H. (Hrsg.) "Kooperation konkret! Ein altbekanntes Prinzip auf dem Weg zu immer neuen Formen". Lengerich: Pabst SciencePublishers, S. 49-58.

Feb. 08 - 1


GWPs 2008 - 14. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie.

Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W. & Brunner, B. (2008). CoRe - Ein Wissensnetzwerk zur Integration von Lehre und Forschung.Vortrag an der 14. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie. Olten, 1-2. Feb. 2008, FachhochschuleNordwestschweiz.

Jan. 08



Bettoni, M. (2008) Wissenskooperation mit Web 2.0. Vortrag in der Sektion Didaktik 1, Anthropologische und soziologischeAspekte des "Lebens" in web 2.0 Umgebungen, Moderator/en: Dr. Hubert J. Groten. LEARNTEC, 16. Int. Kongress und Fachmesse fürBildungs- und Informationstechnologie, 29. - 31. Januar 2008, Messe Karlsruhe..




November 07 - 6 Science - Dimensionen - Die Welt der Wissenschaft

Plaudern mit Menschen und Menschenaffen von Robert Czepel (OE1, Redaktion science). Interview über Yerkish mitMarco Bettoni (Abschrift: url, pdf 137 KB. Ausgestrahlt in: OE1, Sendung "Dimensionen - Die Welt der Wissenschaft", Donnerstag, 22.November 2007 19:05 Uhr (Audio stream).

November 07 - 5

Systems Systemics - 3rd International Heinz von Förster-Congress, 16.-18. November 2007, Universität Wien

Bettoni, M. (2007) How to Chat with an Ape: An Introduction to the YerkishLanguage. Presentation at the 3rd Heinz von Foerster-Conference, University of Vienna, Nov. 16-18, 2007. Special section on Ernst von Glasersfeld, Systemssystemics. Abstract (pdf) &slides (pdf)


November 07 - 4

SFEM 2007 - Swiss Forum for Educational Media

Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W. & Schiller, G. (2007). Community-orientierte Strategien zur Integration von Lehre undForschung. Workshop an der Tagung SFEM 2007, Open Access - Gratiskultur im wissens- und Bildungsbereich, Bern, 15./16. November. SSAB,

November 07 - 3

Constructivist Foundations - An interdisciplinary journal

Bettoni M. (2007) Knowledge as ExperientialReality. Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 3, number 1, November 2007,10-11.

November 07 - 2

edition echoraum - WISDOM

Bettoni M. (2007) The Yerkish Language - FromOperational Methodology to Chimpanzee Communication. In: Glanville, R. & Riegler, A. (Eds.) The Importance of Being Ernst. Festschrift  Ernst von Glasersfeld. Vienna: edition echoraum, p. 107-121  (pdf, 157 KB)

November 07 - 1

h.e.p. verlag ag

Bernhard, W. & Bettoni, M. (2007) Wissensnetzwerke – Offene Zusammenarbeit im virtuellen Raum.In: Bergamin, P. & Pfander, G., (Hrsg) Medien im Bildungswesen: Kompetenzen, Organisation, Mehrwert. Bern: h.e.p. Verlag(

Oct. 07

E-LEARN 2007 - World Conference onE-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education

Bettoni, M. & Bernhard, W. (2007). CoRe – Linking Teaching and Research by a Community-Oriented Strategy.
E-LEARN 2007, Quebec City, Canada, Oct. 15-19, 2007. (pdf, 273 KB)

Sept. 07



ECKM 2007 - The 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management

Bettoni, M., Bernhard, W., Borter, F., Dönnges, G. (2007). The Yellow Tool – Making Yellow Pages More Social and Visible.Proc. of ECKM 2007, The 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Consorci Escola Industrial de Barcelona (CEIB), Barcelona,Spain, Sept. 6-7, 2007 (
pdf, 157 KB)

June 07



JEKPOT - KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY - La prima scuola italiana sulknowledge management con certificazione delle competenze.

Bettoni, M. & Schiller, G. (2007) LE COMUNITA' DI PRATICA - COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE. Gestire la conoscenza con leComunità di pratica - Managing knowledge by Communities of practice.

 April 07


Wissensmanagement - Das Magazin für Führungskräfte

Bettoni M. & Franziska, B. (2007). Wissenskooperation – Gemeinsam zum Erfolg. Wissensmanagement. Das Magazinfür Führungskräfte. Heft 3/2007, 28-29. (abstract online / pdf, 108 KB)

 March 07


Constructivist Foundations - An interdisciplinary journal

Bettoni M. (2007). The Yerkish Language - From Operational Methodology to Chimpanzee Communication. Festschrift in honor of Ernst vonGlasersfeld.
Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 2, number 2 (pdf, 157 KB)

Feb. 07 -2



KAPPAEMME - Periodico sulla gestione e comunicazione della conoscenza per lacompetitivita’ delle organizzazioni e la crescita professionale delle persone.

Bettoni, M. & Borter, F. (2007) Knowledge Cooperation – Requisiti per un approccio partecipativo alla gestionedella conoscenza, KAPPAEMME, 1, 10-11 (
pdf, 181 KB)

Feb. 07 -1


EJKM - Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management

Bettoni M., Andenmatten S., Mathieu R., Knowledge Cooperation in OnlineCommunities: A Duality of Participation and Cultivation. In: Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management , 5 (1), 1-6. (pdf, 251 KB)

Jan. 07


UnBla 2007 - Regional Innovation Central Switzerland. Lucerne School of Business, Lucerne, Switzerland, 24-26 January 2007

Bettoni M., Andenmatten S. (2007). CoRe - A Community Approach to ResearchManagement. Poster (pdf)





Nov. 06

FFHS - Fachtagung Informatik (download Tagungsband pdf, 226 KB)

Bettoni M. & Borter, F. Wissenskooperation. In: Brodmann C.& Volz, A. (Hrsg). Wissensmanagement. Fachtagung Informatik, Teil 2, S. 12-17 (pdf, 114 KB)

 Sept.06 - 2


 MApEC 2006 - Multimedia Applications in Education Conference, Graz, Sept. 4-6, 2006.

Bettoni M., Andenmatten S., Mathieu R., RESEARCH NETWORKING with “CORE SQUARE” (paper pdf, 423 KB)

 Sept.06 - 1


ECKM 2006 - THE 7th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, Corvinus University , Hungary, 4-5 September 2006

M.Bettoni, Andenmatten S., Mathieu R., "Knowledge Cooperation in Online Communities: A Duality of Participation andCultivation" (paper pdf, 280 KB)


June 06


EDEN 2006 - Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria, 14-17 June 2006.


April 06


WEBIST 2006 2nd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies,11 - 13 April 2006, Setúbal – Portugal

Trayner B., Smith J. D., Bettoni M., "PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL VIRTUAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES: A social learningperspective." (paper pdf 182 KB)


Jan-Mar. 06


International Journal on E-Learning, 2006, Vol. 5 (1)

Schluep, S., Bettoni, M., Guttormsen Schär, S. (2006) Modularization and Structured Markup for Learning Content in anAcademic Environment. International Journal on E-Learning, 5 (1), 35-44. (abstract, paper pdf, 302 KB)





November 05

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Wahrheit ist die Erfindung eines Lügners - 2. Internationaler Heinz von Förster-Congress
11.-13. November 2005, Universität Wien

M. Bettoni: Mein Wie bestimmt das Was. Eine Auffassung von Wissen als Logik der Erfahrung (Vortrag pdf, 133 KB, Folien pdf, 166 KB, Vortrag + Folien pdf, 993 KB )


 September 05 - 2


 TACONET Conference on Self-regulated Learning in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments, 23 September 2005, Lisbon, Portugal. Event in the context of the european project "TELEPEERS"


M. Bettoni: Introductory talk on Communities of Practice (published in the TACONET proceedings)

Bettoni, M., Clases, C. & Wehner, T.  (2005). Communities of Practice as a Method for Knowledge-Oriented Cooperation. In: Carneiro, R. Steffens, K. & Underwood, J. (Eds.). Proc. of the TACONET Conf. on Self-regulated Learning in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments (pp. 92-99). Aachen: Shaker Verlag (paper pdf, 198 KB)


 September 05 - 1


ECKM 2005 - THE 6th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, University of Limerick, Ireland, 8-9 September 2005

M.Bettoni: Accelerating Technology Transfer by Knowledge-Oriented Cooperation (paper pdf, 167 KB)


June 05


C&T 2005 - 2nd International Conference on Communities and Technologies
13-16 June 2005 Milano, Italy

1st International Workshop on Communities and Technologies from a Constructivist Point of View
organized by Marco Bettoni, Ernst von Glasersfeld & Bernhard von Guretzky

M: Bettoni: Community Interactions and the Logic of Experience (paper pdf, 141 KB)


Mai 05 -2

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Lernende Organisation -
Zeitschrift für systemisches Management und Organisation, Nr. 25, Mai/Juni 2005

Wissenskooperation: Die Zukunft des Wissensmanagements
Marco Bettoni

Wenn wir an Wissensmanagement denken, kommen uns zunächst Datenbanken und technische Applikationen in den Sinn, die darauf gerichtet sind, Wissen aus den Köpfen der Mitarbeiter zu ziehen und für das Unternehmen nutzbar zu machen. Marco Bettoni stellt diese Ansicht in seinem Artikel auf den Kopf: Er geht davon aus, dass Wissen von den Mitarbeitern gemeinschaftlich konstruiert wird. Dies erfordert ein gänzliches Umdenken im Wissensmanagement – geht es nun doch darum, die Menschen zusammenzubringen, etwa in den von ihm propagierten „Business Learning Communities“ (pdf)

Bestellen des Einzelartikels

Mai 05 - 1

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Die Wirklichkeit der Metapher - IGST Symposium
Heidelberg, 5.-7. Mai 2005

M:Bettoni: Metaphern zwischen Partizipation und Reifikation (abstract, html, handouts pdf)


April 05

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Comunità Virtuali - Prof. Fiorella De Cindio - DICO, Università degli Studi di Milano

SEMINARIO, 29. Aprile 2005

M. Bettoni: L'esperienza di CPsquare (testo e slides, pdf, 557 KB)

CPsquare, la comunità di pratica dedicata all'approfondimento di idee, modelli teorici e strumenti pratici per la realizzazione di comunità di pratica venne lanciata da Etienne Wenger nel Gennaio 2003. Prendendo spunto dall'esperienza maturata dall'autore, esperto di knowledge management e membro di CPsquare fin dall'inizio oltre che partecipante a due diverse edizioni del workshop online di Wenger Foundations of Communities of Practice verranno illustrati quegli aspetti di questa CoP che appaiono più validi e promettenti per applicarli alla gestione della conoscenza in ambito aziendale.


March 05

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Verwertungsnetzwerke. Eine Perspektive für den Technologietransfer
Michael Asche, Wilhelm Bauhus, Burckhard Kaddatz, Bernd Seel (Hrsg.)
Patent Offensive Westfalen Ruhr, Bd. 2. Münster: Waxmann, 2005
ISBN 3-8309-1493-8

M. Bettoni, C. Clases & T. Wehner: Wissensorientierte Dynamiken in Technologietransfernetzwerken
zwischen Kooperation und Konkurrenz. (pdf)

 February 05  

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PROLEARN - Second PROLEARN Thematic Workshop on Context for Learning Objects -
A joint workshop of the IP iClass and the NoE PROLEARN - Leuven, Belgium, March 3-4

Samuel Schluep, Marco Bettoni & Sissel Guttormsen Schär: Modularization and structured markup for learning content in an academic environment (pdf, 66 KB)


  © Marco Bettoni - 28.02.2019